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The 7 Commands to Vocal Mastery
The 7 wonders of the Vocal World! TM
Mastering Vocal Production

"YAY! I don't worry if my voice will work tonight!"
Most performers live in constant fear that their voice won't function when they need it.
Students who have mastered the Technical Commands are able to perform nine times a week without losing their voice and without vocal rest.
Science is our bridge to vocal confidence and endurance.
Master the Commands and you will have:
Predictable and consistent high notes.
The ability to project: to belt or have a chest voice.
Head / Legit voice using different resonance / styles.
No cracking throughout range.
No more tension or hoarseness in the throat.
The choice to sing with a nasal or non-nasal sound.
Absolute control of air - ability to sustain long phrases.
Over two-octave range.
Clear Diction.
Dynamic and volume control.
Ability to have vocal endurance and stamina.
No more need for vocal rest.

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